Ugrás a tartalomhoz


A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából

Megjegyzés: közzététel után frissítened kell a böngésződ gyorsítótárát, hogy lásd a változásokat.

  • Firefox / Safari: tartsd lenyomva a Shift gombot és kattints a Frissítés gombra a címsorban, vagy használd a Ctrl–F5 vagy Ctrl–R (Macen ⌘–R) billentyűkombinációt
  • Google Chrome: használd a Ctrl–Shift–R (Macen ⌘–Shift–R) billentyűkombinációt
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: tartsd nyomva a Ctrl-t, és kattints a Frissítés gombra, vagy nyomj Ctrl–F5-öt
  • Opera: Nyomj Ctrl–F5-öt
 * Category insert script
( function catinsert( $, mw ) {
	if ( [ 'edit', 'submit' ].indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) ) === -1 ) {
	var messages = [

	var ciDefaultCategory = 'Tartalom';
	var optionname = 'userjs-catinsert-start';

	/** @type {string} Starting category, possibly from user option */
	var ciStartingCategory = mw.user.options.get( optionname, ciDefaultCategory );
	var $ciFrame;
	/** @type {string} */
	var ciKey;
	/** @type {string} */
	var ciTrail;
	var ciError = false;
	var ciUseWikiEditor = ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) == 1 );
	// var ciWikEdObj;

	function ciGetDialog() {
		$ciFrame = $( '#catInsertFrame' );
		if ( !$ciFrame.length ) {
			$ciFrame = $( '<div>' )
				.attr( 'id', 'catInsertFrame' )
				.keypress( function ( e ) {
					if ( e.which === 27 ) {
				} )
				.insertBefore( /* ( typeof wikEd !== 'undefined' && wikEd.useWikEd ) ? '#wikEdFrameOuter' : */ '#wpTextbox1' );
			$( '<div>' )
				.attr( 'id', 'catInsertClose' )
				.text( 'x' )
				.click( ciCloseDialog )
				.appendTo( $ciFrame );
		var $ciDiv = $( '#catInsertBody' );
		if ( !$ciDiv.length ) {
			$ciDiv = $( '<div>' )
				.attr( 'id', 'catInsertBody' )
				.appendTo( $ciFrame );
		return $ciDiv;

	function ciCloseDialog() {
		/* if ( typeof wikEd !== 'undefined' && wikEd.useWikEd ) {
		} else { */
			$( '#wpTextbox1' ).focus();
		// }

	 * Handle clicking on a bullet.
	 * @this {HTMLElement}
	function ciToggleNode() {
		var expand = this.dataset['ctState'] === 'collapsed';

		var $div = $( this ).parents( '.CategoryTreeSection:first' ).children( '.CategoryTreeChildren' )
		$div.toggle( expand );

		// Possible values: categorytree-collapse, categorytree-expand
		this.title = mw.msg( 'categorytree-' + ( expand ? 'collapse' : 'expand' ) );
		this.dataset['ctState'] = expand ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed';

		if ( expand && this.dataset['ctLoaded'] === undefined ) {
			this.dataset['ctLoaded'] = '';
			ciLoadChildren( this.dataset['ctTitle'], $div );

	 * Load child categories of a given category
	 * @param {string} cat Category to load children of
	 * @param {jQuery} $div Insert result in this `<div>`
	 * @param {PromiseLike<void>} [cssPromise] Promise representing the loading of the CSS styles.
	 *  The result is not shown until it’s fulfilled.
	function ciLoadChildren( cat, $div, cssPromise ) {
		$( '<span>' )
			.addClass( 'CategoryTreeNotice' )
			.text( mw.msg( 'categorytree-loading' ) )
			.appendTo( $div.empty() );

		new mw.Api().get( {
			action: 'categorytree',
			category: cat,
			formatversion: 2
		} ).done( function ciAjaxCallback( data ) {
			var result = data.categorytree.html;
			( cssPromise || Promise.resolve() ).then( function ciCssLoadedCallback() {
				if ( result ) {
					$div.html( result );
					$div.find( '.CategoryTreeToggle' ).click( ciToggleNode );
					$div.find( 'a' ).click( ciInsertCategory );
				} else {
					$( '<span>' )
						.addClass( 'CategoryTreeNotice' )
						.text( mw.msg( 'categorytree-no-subcategories' ) )
						.appendTo( $div.empty() );
			} );
		} ).fail( function ciAjaxFail( error, xhr, statusText, errorThrown ) {
			// Show default list on error
			if ( !ciError ) {
				mw.log.warn( 'Error loading ' + cat + ': ' + error );
				mw.log.warn( xhr );
				ciLoadChildren( ciStartingCategory, ciGetDialog() );
				ciError = true;
			} else { // avoid infinite cycle
				$( '<div>' )
					.addClass( 'error' )
					.text( xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText + ': ' + errorThrown )
					.appendTo( $div.empty() );
				ciError = false;
		} );

	function ciInsertCategory( e ) {
		var categoryLink = '[' + '[Kategória:' + this.text + ciKey + ']]' + ciTrail;
		if ( typeof wikEd !== 'undefined' && wikEd.useWikEd ) {
			ciWikEdObj.changed.plain = categoryLink;
			ciWikEdObj.changed.keepSel = true;
			wikEdLastVersion = null;
			ciWikEdObj.html = ciWikEdObj.changed.plain;
			if ( wikEdHighlightSyntax ) {
				WikEdHighlightSyntax( ciWikEdObj );
			} else {
				ciWikEdObj.html = ciWikEdObj.html.replace( /(\t)/g, '<span class="wikEdTabPlain">$1</span><!--wikEdTabPlain-->' );
			ciWikEdObj.sel.addRange( ciWikEdObj.changed.range );
			wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand( 'inserthtml', ciWikEdObj.html );
			wikEdFrameDOMCache = null;
			/*if ( wikEdHighlightSyntax ) {
		} else {*/
			$( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', {
				pre: categoryLink,
				peri: '',
				post: ''
			} );

	 * Handle clicking on the toolbar button in the legacy toolbar
	 * @param {MouseEvent} e The click event
	function ciLegacyToolbarButtonClicked( e ) {
		// Set the default starting category
		if ( e.shiftKey ) {
			var start = prompt( 'Indulókategória (üres: visszaállítás az alapértelmezettre):', ciStartingCategory );
			if ( start ) {
				ciStartingCategory = start;
				new mw.Api().saveOption( optionname, start );
			} else if ( start === '' ) {
				ciStartingCategory = ciDefaultCategory;
				// Delete option
				new mw.Api().saveOption( optionname, null );
		} else {

	 * Handle clicking on the toolbar button in the WikiEditor toolbar,
	 * or in the legacy toolbar without pressing Shift
	function ciButtonClicked() {
		var cssPromise = mw.loader.using( 'ext.categoryTree.styles' );

		if ( typeof wikEd !== 'undefined' && wikEd.useWikEd ) {
			ciWikEdObj = {};
			ciWikEdObj.changed = {};
			WikEdGetText( ciWikEdObj, 'selection' );
			ciWikEdObj.changed = ciWikEdObj.selection;
			var selection = ciWikEdObj.selection.plain;
		} else { */
			var selection = $( '#wpTextbox1' ).textSelection( 'getSelection' );
		// }
		ciKey = ciTrail = '';
		if ( selection ) {
			var match = selection.match( /(\s+)$/ );
			// Allow trailing whitespace
			if ( match && match.length >= 2 ) {
				selection = selection.slice( 0, -( match[ 1 ].length ) );
				ciTrail = match[ 1 ];
			match = selection.match( /\[\[.*(\|.*)\]\]$/ );
			if ( match && match.length >= 2 ) {
				ciKey = match[ 1 ];
			selection = selection.replace( /^\[\[[Kk]ategória:/, '' );
			selection = selection.replace( /(\|.*)?\]\]$/, '' );
		} else {
			selection = ciStartingCategory;
		var $div = ciGetDialog();
		ciLoadChildren( selection, $div, cssPromise );

	function ciInstallButton() {
		if ( !$( '#mw-editbutton-catinsert, .oo-ui-icon-catinsert' ).length ) {
			var label = 'Kategória kiválasztása';
			if ( ciUseWikiEditor ) {
				$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
					section: 'main',
					group: 'insert',
					tools: {
						'insertCategory': {
							label: label,
							type: 'button',
							oouiIcon: 'catinsert',
							action: {
								type: 'callback',
								execute: ciButtonClicked
				} );
			} else {
				mw.toolbar.addButton( {
					imageId: 'mw-editbutton-catinsert',
					speedTip: label,
					onClick: ciLegacyToolbarButtonClicked
				} );

		mw.loader.using( ciUseWikiEditor ? 'ext.wikiEditor' : 'mediawiki.toolbar' ),
		new mw.Api().loadMessages( messages ),
	).then( ciInstallButton );
} ( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );